点击数:2785 --
- 请求信息 : 2024-11-10 16:29:11 http/1.1 get : /article/detail/id/157
- 运行时间 : 0.1126s ( load:0.0205s init:0.0052s exec:0.0272s template:0.0596s )
- 吞吐率 : 8.88req/s
- 内存开销 : 2,990.47 kb
- 查询信息 : 34 queries 1 writes
- 文件加载 : 48
- 缓存信息 : 3 gets 0 writes
- 配置加载 : 175
- 会话信息 : session_id=r6k4e806gchfpdtddpbjl1m1a1
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/index.php ( 1.11 kb )
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- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/storage.class.php ( 1.55 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/storage/driver/file.class.php ( 3.42 kb )
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- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/common/functions.php ( 43.44 kb )
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- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/behavior/parsetemplatebehavior.class.php ( 3.80 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/behavior/contentreplacebehavior.class.php ( 1.87 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/conf/convention.php ( 10.79 kb )
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- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/conf/debug.php ( 1.57 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/common/behavior/inithookbehavior.class.php ( 1.61 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/behavior.class.php ( 0.86 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/cache.class.php ( 3.72 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/cache/driver/file.class.php ( 5.71 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/conf/config.php ( 5.76 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/conf/tags.php ( 0.12 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/common/function.php ( 13.61 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/behavior/readhtmlcachebehavior.class.php ( 5.49 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/controller/articlecontroller.class.php ( 7.10 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/controller/homecontroller.class.php ( 4.71 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/common/api/configapi.class.php ( 1.81 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/model.class.php ( 56.89 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/db.class.php ( 31.57 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/db/driver/mysqli.class.php ( 10.02 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/model/documentmodel.class.php ( 10.06 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/logic/articlelogic.class.php ( 1.55 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/logic/baselogic.class.php ( 1.80 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/model/categorymodel.class.php ( 4.58 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/template.class.php ( 27.73 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/ot/taglib/article.class.php ( 4.66 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/template/taglib.class.php ( 8.95 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/ot/taglib/think.class.php ( 9.80 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/think/template/taglib/cx.class.php ( 21.91 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/runtime/cache/home/2a0c0417d04a5512c695aac7a43a6732.php ( 17.82 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/behavior/writehtmlcachebehavior.class.php ( 0.95 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/behavior/tokenbuildbehavior.class.php ( 2.45 kb )
- /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/thinkphp/library/behavior/showpagetracebehavior.class.php ( 5.13 kb )
- [ app_init ] --start--
- run common\behavior\inithook [ runtime:0.002147s ]
- [ app_init ] --end-- [ runtime:0.002225s ]
- [ app_begin ] --start--
- run behavior\readhtmlcache [ runtime:0.000435s ]
- [ app_begin ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000476s ]
- [ view_parse ] --start--
- [ template_filter ] --start--
- run behavior\contentreplace [ runtime:0.000195s ]
- [ template_filter ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000235s ]
- run behavior\parsetemplate [ runtime:0.051172s ]
- [ view_parse ] --end-- [ runtime:0.051225s ]
- [ view_filter ] --start--
- run behavior\writehtmlcache [ runtime:0.000597s ]
- run behavior\tokenbuild [ runtime:0.001138s ]
- [ view_filter ] --end-- [ runtime:0.001827s ]
- [ app_end ] --start--
- [8] a session had already been started - ignoring session_start() /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/controller/homecontroller.class.php 第 54 行.
- [8] undefined index: jbxue.com /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/controller/homecontroller.class.php 第 56 行.
- [2] fopen(counter.dat): failed to open stream: permission denied /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/controller/homecontroller.class.php 第 60 行.
- [2] fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/controller/homecontroller.class.php 第 61 行.
- [2] fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given /home/www/www.cdjiahejituan.com/application/home/controller/homecontroller.class.php 第 62 行.
- show columns from `t_config` [ runtime:0.001756s ]
- select `type`,`name`,`value` from `t_config` where ( `status` = 1 ) [ runtime:0.000395s ]
- show columns from `t_advertising` [ runtime:0.001115s ]
- select * from `t_advertising` where ( `title` = 'logo' ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000226s ]
- show columns from `t_advs` [ runtime:0.000979s ]
- select * from `t_advs` where ( `position` = 1 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) order by level limit 1 [ runtime:0.000293s ]
- select * from `t_advertising` where ( `title` = 'wechat' ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000176s ]
- select * from `t_advs` where ( `position` = 5 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) order by level limit 1 [ runtime:0.000213s ]
- select * from `t_advertising` where ( `title` = 'micro_blog_code' ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000191s ]
- select * from `t_advs` where ( `position` = 12 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) order by level limit 1 [ runtime:0.000179s ]
- show columns from `t_document` [ runtime:0.001836s ]
- select `id`,`uid`,`name`,`title`,`category_id`,`description`,`root`,`pid`,`model_id`,`type`,`position`,`link_id`,`cover_id`,`display`,`deadline`,`attach`,`view`,`comment`,`extend`,`level`,`create_time`,`update_time`,`status`,`job`,`englishname` from `t_document` where ( `id` = 157 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000244s ]
- show columns from `t_document_article` [ runtime:0.001473s ]
- select `id`,`parse`,`content`,`template`,`bookmark`,`department`,`good_at`,`visit_time` from `t_document_article` where ( `id` = 157 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000201s ]
- show columns from `t_category` [ runtime:0.001717s ]
- select `id`,`name`,`title`,`pid`,`sort`,`list_row`,`meta_title`,`keywords`,`description`,`template_index`,`template_lists`,`template_detail`,`template_edit`,`model`,`type`,`link_id`,`allow_publish`,`display`,`reply`,`check`,`reply_model`,`extend`,`create_time`,`update_time`,`status`,`icon` from `t_category` where ( `id` = 16 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000262s ]
- show columns from `t_category` [ runtime:0.001591s ]
- select `pid` from `t_category` where ( `id` = 16 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000218s ]
- select `pid` from `t_category` where ( `id` = 15 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000144s ]
- select * from `t_category` where ( `status` = 1 ) order by sort [ runtime:0.000415s ]
- update `t_document` set `view`=view 1 where ( `id` = 157 ) [ runtime:0.000260s ]
- show columns from `t_picture` [ runtime:0.003551s ]
- select * from `t_picture` where ( `status` = 1 ) and ( `id` = 141 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000585s ]
- select * from `t_category` where ( `id` = 16 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000537s ]
- select * from `t_category` where ( `id` = 15 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000400s ]
- show columns from `t_channel` [ runtime:0.003014s ]
- select `id`,`pid`,`title`,`url`,`sort`,`create_time`,`update_time`,`status`,`target`,`english` from `t_channel` where ( status=1 ) order by sort [ runtime:0.000827s ]
- select `pid` from `t_category` where ( `id` = 16 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000374s ]
- select `allow_publish` from `t_category` where ( `id` = 16 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000358s ]
- select `pid` from `t_category` where ( `id` = 15 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000277s ]
- select `allow_publish` from `t_category` where ( `id` = 15 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000274s ]
- select `id`,`uid`,`name`,`title`,`category_id`,`description`,`root`,`pid`,`model_id`,`type`,`position`,`link_id`,`cover_id`,`display`,`deadline`,`attach`,`view`,`comment`,`extend`,`level`,`create_time`,`update_time`,`status`,`job`,`englishname` from `t_document` where ( `id` < '157' ) and ( `pid` = 0 ) and ( `category_id` = 16 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) order by id desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.001662s ]
- select `id`,`uid`,`name`,`title`,`category_id`,`description`,`root`,`pid`,`model_id`,`type`,`position`,`link_id`,`cover_id`,`display`,`deadline`,`attach`,`view`,`comment`,`extend`,`level`,`create_time`,`update_time`,`status`,`job`,`englishname` from `t_document` where ( `id` > '157' ) and ( `pid` = 0 ) and ( `category_id` = 16 ) and ( `status` = 1 ) order by id limit 1 [ runtime:0.000655s ]
- select `id`,`pid`,`title`,`url`,`sort`,`create_time`,`update_time`,`status`,`target`,`english` from `t_channel` where ( status=1 ) order by sort [ runtime:0.000649s ]
- select * from `t_picture` where ( `status` = 1 ) and ( `id` = 155 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000424s ]